
Imant Daunhawer


Department of Computer Science
CAB G 39.1
Universitätstr. 6
CH – 8092 Zurich, Switzerland
CAB G 39.1

In May 2018, I joined the Medical Data Science group as a doctoral student. After completing my doctorate in Computer Science at ETH Zurich, I worked in the group as a postdoctoral researcher until November 2024.

My research focuses on machine learning methods for modeling multiple sources of information. Specifically, I study and develop new methods for datasets that comprise multiple views or modalities, such as image-text pairs or multi-omics data. I am passionate about machine learning research and its practical applications, especially in the biomedical domain.


Self-supervised learning (SSL) has emerged as a powerful approach for learning biologically meaningful representations of single-cell data. To establish best practices in this domain, we present a comprehensive benchmark evaluating eight SSL methods across three downstream tasks and eight datasets, with various data augmentation strategies. Our results demonstrate that SimCLR and VICReg consistently outperform other methods across different tasks. Furthermore, we identify random masking as the most effective augmentation technique. This benchmark provides valuable insights into the application of SSL to single-cell data analysis, bridging the gap between SSL and single-cell biology.


Philip Toma*, Olga Ovcharenko*, Imant Daunhawer, Julia Vogt, Florian Barkmann, Valentina Boeva
* denotes shared first authorship, denotes shared last authorship







The structure of many real-world datasets is intrinsically hierarchical, making the modeling of such hierarchies a critical objective in both unsupervised and supervised machine learning. Recently, novel approaches for hierarchical clustering with deep architectures have been proposed. In this work, we take a critical perspective on this line of research and demonstrate that many approaches exhibit major limitations when applied to realistic datasets, partly due to their high computational complexity. In particular, we show that a lightweight procedure implemented on top of pre-trained non-hierarchical clustering models outperforms models designed specifically for hierarchical clustering. Our proposed approach is computationally efficient and applicable to any pre-trained clustering model that outputs logits, without requiring any fine-tuning. To highlight the generality of our findings, we illustrate how our method can also be applied in a supervised setup, recovering meaningful hierarchies from a pre-trained ImageNet classifier.


Emanuele Palumbo, Moritz Vandenhirtz, Alain Ryser, Imant Daunhawer, Julia E. Vogt
denotes shared last authorship







Recent years have witnessed a rapid development of deep generative models for creating synthetic media, such as images and videos. While the practical applications of these models in everyday tasks are enticing, it is crucial to assess the inherent risks regarding their fairness. In this work, we introduce a comprehensive framework for benchmarking the performance and fairness of conditional generative models. We develop a set of metrics—inspired by their supervised fairness counterparts—to evaluate the models on their fairness and diversity. Focusing on the specific application of image upsampling, we create a benchmark covering a wide variety of modern upsampling methods. As part of the benchmark, we introduce UnfairFace, a subset of FairFace that replicates the racial distribution of common large-scale face datasets. Our empirical study highlights the importance of using an unbiased training set and reveals variations in how the algorithms respond to dataset imbalances. Alarmingly, we find that none of the considered methods produces statistically fair and diverse results. All experiments can be reproduced using our provided repository.


Mike Laszkiewicz, Imant Daunhawer, Julia E. Vogt, Asja Fischer, Johannes Lederer
denotes shared last authorship


ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, 2024





Biological organisms experience a world of multiple modalities through a variety of sensory systems. For example, they may perceive physical or chemical stimuli through the senses of sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. Across species, the nervous system integrates heterogeneous sensory stimuli and forms multimodal representations that capture information shared between modalities. Analogously, machines can perceive their environment through different types of sensors, such as cameras and microphones. Yet, it is not sufficiently well understood how multimodal representations can be formed in silico, i.e., via computer simulation. In this thesis, we study how to leverage statistical dependencies between modalities to form multimodal representations computationally using machine learning. We start from the premise that real-world data is generated from a few factors of variation. Given a set of observations, representation learning seeks to infer these latent variables, which is fundamentally impossible without further assumptions. However, when we have corresponding observations of different modalities, statistical dependencies between them can carry meaningful information about the latent structure of the underlying process. Motivated by this idea, we study multimodal learning under weak supervision, which means that we consider corresponding observations of multiple modalities without labels for what is shared between them. For this challenging setup, we design machine learning algorithms that transform observations into representations of shared and modality-specific information without explicit supervision by labels. Thus, we develop methods that infer latent structure from low-level observations using weak supervision in the form of multiple modalities. We develop techniques for multimodal representation learning using two approaches—generative and discriminative learning. First, we focus on generative learning with variational autoencoders (VAEs) and propose a principled and scalable method for variational inference and density estimation on sets of modalities. Our method enhances the encoding and disentanglement of shared and modality-specific information and consequently improves the generative performance compared to relevant baselines. Motivated by these results, we consider an explicit partitioning of the latent space into shared and modality-specific subspaces. We explore the benefits and pitfalls of partitioning and develop a model that promotes the desired disentanglement for the respective subspaces. Thereby, it further improves the generative performance compared to models with a joint latent space. On the other hand, we also establish fundamental limitations for generative learning with multimodal VAEs. We show that the sub-sampling of modalities enforces an undesirable bound on the approximation of the joint distribution. This limits the generative performance of mixture-based multimodal VAEs and constrains their application to settings where relevant information can be predicted in expectation across modalities on the level of observations. To address these issues, we shift to discriminative approaches and focus on contrastive learning. We show that contrastive learning can be used to identify shared latent factors that are invariant across modalities up to a block-wise indeterminacy, even in the presence of non-trivial statistical and causal dependencies between latent variables. Finally, we demonstrate how the representations produced by contrastive learning can be used to transcend the limitations of multimodal VAEs, which yields a hybrid approach for multimodal generative learning and the disentanglement of shared and modality-specific information. Thus, we establish a theoretical basis for multimodal representation learning and explain in which settings generative and discriminative approaches can be effective in practice.


Imant Daunhawer


Doctoral Thesis





Background: Hyperbilirubinemia of the newborn infant is a common disease worldwide. However, recognized early and treated appropriately, it typically remains innocuous. We recently developed an early phototherapy prediction tool (EPPT) by means of machine learning (ML) utilizing just one bilirubin measurement and few clinical variables. The aim of this study is to test applicability and performance of the EPPT on a new patient cohort from a different population. Materials and methods: This work is a retrospective study of prospectively recorded neonatal data from infants born in 2018 in an academic hospital, Regensburg, Germany, meeting the following inclusion criteria: born with 34 completed weeks of gestation or more, at least two total serum bilirubin (TSB) measurement prior to phototherapy. First, the original EPPT—an ensemble of a logistic regression and a random forest—was used in its freely accessible version and evaluated in terms of the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC). Second, a new version of the EPPT model was re-trained on the data from the new cohort. Third, the predictive performance, variable importance, sensitivity and specificity were analyzed and compared across the original and re-trained models. Results: In total, 1,109 neonates were included with a median (IQR) gestational age of 38.4 (36.6–39.9) and a total of 3,940 bilirubin measurements prior to any phototherapy treatment, which was required in 154 neonates (13.9%). For the phototherapy treatment prediction, the original EPPT achieved a predictive performance of 84.6% AUROC on the new cohort. After re-training the model on a subset of the new dataset, 88.8% AUROC was achieved as evaluated by cross validation. The same five variables as for the original model were found to be most important for the prediction on the new cohort, namely gestational age at birth, birth weight, bilirubin to weight ratio, hours since birth, bilirubin value. Discussion: The individual risk for treatment requirement in neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is robustly predictable in different patient cohorts with a previously developed ML tool (EPPT) demanding just one TSB value and only four clinical parameters. Further prospective validation studies are needed to develop an effective and safe clinical decision support system.


Imant Daunhawer, Kai Schumacher, Anna Badura, Julia E. Vogt, Holger Michel, Sven Wellmann


Frontiers in Pediatrics, 2023





Alice Bizeul, Imant Daunhawer, Emanuele Palumbo, Bernhard Schölkopf, Alexander Marx, Julia E. Vogt


Conference on Causal Learning and Reasoning (Datasets Track), CLeaR, 2023





Contrastive learning is a cornerstone underlying recent progress in multi-view and multimodal learning, e.g., in representation learning with image/caption pairs. While its effectiveness is not yet fully understood, a line of recent work reveals that contrastive learning can invert the data generating process and recover ground truth latent factors shared between views. In this work, we present new identifiability results for multimodal contrastive learning, showing that it is possible to recover shared factors in a more general setup than the multi-view setting studied previously. Specifically, we distinguish between the multi-view setting with one generative mechanism (e.g., multiple cameras of the same type) and the multimodal setting that is characterized by distinct mechanisms (e.g., cameras and microphones). Our work generalizes previous identifiability results by redefining the generative process in terms of distinct mechanisms with modality-specific latent variables. We prove that contrastive learning can block-identify latent factors shared between modalities, even when there are nontrivial dependencies between factors. We empirically verify our identifiability results with numerical simulations and corroborate our findings on a complex multimodal dataset of image/text pairs. Zooming out, our work provides a theoretical basis for multimodal representation learning and explains in which settings multimodal contrastive learning can be effective in practice.


Imant Daunhawer, Alice Bizeul, Emanuele Palumbo, Alexander Marx, Julia E. Vogt


The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2023





Multimodal VAEs have recently gained attention as efficient models for weakly-supervised generative learning with multiple modalities. However, all existing variants of multimodal VAEs are affected by a non-trivial trade-off between generative quality and generative coherence. In particular mixture-based models achieve good coherence only at the expense of sample diversity and a resulting lack of generative quality. We present a novel variant of the mixture-of-experts multimodal variational autoencoder that improves its generative quality, while maintaining high semantic coherence. We model shared and modality-specific information in separate latent subspaces, proposing an objective that overcomes certain dependencies on hyperparameters that arise for existing approaches with the same latent space structure. Compared to these existing approaches, we show increased robustness with respect to changes in the design of the latent space, in terms of the capacity allocated to modality-specific subspaces. We show that our model achieves both good generative coherence and high generative quality in challenging experiments, including more complex multimodal datasets than those used in previous works.


Emanuele Palumbo, Imant Daunhawer, Julia E. Vogt


The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2023





The robustness of machine learning algorithms to distributions shift is primarily discussed in the context of supervised learning (SL). As such, there is a lack of insight on the robustness of the representations learned from unsupervised methods, such as self-supervised learning (SSL) and auto-encoder based algorithms (AE), to distribution shift. We posit that the input-driven objectives of unsupervised algorithms lead to representations that are more robust to distribution shift than the target-driven objective of SL. We verify this by extensively evaluating the performance of SSL and AE on both synthetic and realistic distribution shift datasets. Following observations that the linear layer used for classification itself can be susceptible to spurious correlations, we evaluate the representations using a linear head trained on a small amount of out-of-distribution (OOD) data, to isolate the robustness of the learned representations from that of the linear head. We also develop "controllable" versions of existing realistic domain generalisation datasets with adjustable degrees of distribution shifts. This allows us to study the robustness of different learning algorithms under versatile yet realistic distribution shift conditions. Our experiments show that representations learned from unsupervised learning algorithms generalise better than SL under a wide variety of extreme as well as realistic distribution shifts.


Yuge Shi, Imant Daunhawer, Julia E. Vogt, Philip H.S. Torr, Amartya Sanyal


The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2023





Multimodal variational autoencoders (VAEs) have shown promise as efficient generative models for weakly-supervised data. Yet, despite their advantage of weak supervision, they exhibit a gap in generative quality compared to unimodal VAEs, which are completely unsupervised. In an attempt to explain this gap, we uncover a fundamental limitation that applies to a large family of mixture-based multimodal VAEs. We prove that the sub-sampling of modalities enforces an undesirable upper bound on the multimodal ELBO and thereby limits the generative quality of the respective models. Empirically, we showcase the generative quality gap on both synthetic and real data and present the tradeoffs between different variants of multimodal VAEs. We find that none of the existing approaches fulfills all desired criteria of an effective multimodal generative model when applied on more complex datasets than those used in previous benchmarks. In summary, we identify, formalize, and validate fundamental limitations of VAE-based approaches for modeling weakly-supervised data and discuss implications for real-world applications.


Imant Daunhawer, Thomas M. Sutter, Kieran Chin-Cheong, Emanuele Palumbo, Julia E. Vogt


The Tenth International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2022





Background: Current strategies for risk stratification and prediction of neonatal early-onset sepsis (EOS) are inefficient and lack diagnostic performance. The aim of this study was to use machine learning to analyze the diagnostic accuracy of risk factors (RFs), clinical signs and biomarkers and to develop a prediction model for culture-proven EOS. We hypothesized that the contribution to diagnostic accuracy of biomarkers is higher than of RFs or clinical signs. Study Design: Secondary analysis of the prospective international multicenter NeoPInS study. Neonates born after completed 34 weeks of gestation with antibiotic therapy due to suspected EOS within the first 72 hours of life participated. Primary outcome was defined as predictive performance for culture-proven EOS with variables known at the start of antibiotic therapy. Machine learning was used in form of a random forest classifier. Results: One thousand six hundred eighty-five neonates treated for suspected infection were analyzed. Biomarkers were superior to clinical signs and RFs for prediction of culture-proven EOS. C-reactive protein and white blood cells were most important for the prediction of the culture result. Our full model achieved an area-under-the-receiver-operating-characteristic-curve of 83.41% (+/-8.8%) and an area-under-the-precision-recall-curve of 28.42% (+/-11.5%). The predictive performance of the model with RFs alone was comparable with random. Conclusions: Biomarkers have to be considered in algorithms for the management of neonates suspected of EOS. A 2-step approach with a screening tool for all neonates in combination with our model in the preselected population with an increased risk for EOS may have the potential to reduce the start of unnecessary antibiotics.


Martin Stocker, Imant Daunhawer, Wendy van Herk, Salhab el Helou, Sourabh Dutta, Frank A. B. A.Schuerman, Rita K. van den Tooren-de Groot, ; Jantien W. Wieringa, Jan Janota, Laura H. van der Meer-Kappelle, Rob Moonen, Sintha D. Sie, Esther de Vries, Albertine E. Donker, Urs Zimmerman, Luregn J. Schlapbach, Amerik C. de Mol, Angelique Hoffmann-Haringsma, Madan Roy, Maren Tomaske, René F. Kornelisse, Juliette van Gijsel, Frans B. Plötz, Sven Wellmann, Niek B Achten, Dirk Lehnick, Annemarie M. C. van Rossum, Julia E. Vogt


The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 2022





Multiple data types naturally co-occur when describing real-world phenomena and learning from them is a long-standing goal in machine learning research. However, existing self-supervised generative models approximating an ELBO are not able to fulfill all desired requirements of multimodal models: their posterior approximation functions lead to a trade-off between the semantic coherence and the ability to learn the joint data distribution. We propose a new, generalized ELBO formulation for multimodal data that overcomes these limitations. The new objective encompasses two previous methods as special cases and combines their benefits without compromises. In extensive experiments, we demonstrate the advantage of the proposed method compared to state-of-the-art models in self-supervised, generative learning tasks.


Thomas M. Sutter*, Imant Daunhawer*, Julia E. Vogt
* denotes shared first authorship


Ninth International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2021





In the quest for efficient and robust learning methods, combining unsupervised state representation learning and reinforcement learning (RL) could offer advantages for scaling RL algorithms by providing the models with a useful inductive bias. For achieving this, an encoder is trained in an unsupervised manner with two state representation methods, a variational autoencoder and a contrastive estimator. The learned features are then fed to the actor-critic RL algorithm Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) to learn a policy for playing Open AI’s car racing environment. Hence, such procedure permits to decouple state representations from RL-controllers. For the integration of RL with unsupervised learning, we explore various designs for variational autoencoders and contrastive learning. The proposed method is compared to a deep network trained directly on pixel inputs with PPO. The results show that the proposed method performs slightly worse than directly learning from pixel inputs; however, it has a more stable learning curve, a substantial reduction of the buffer size, and requires optimizing 88% fewer parameters. These results indicate that the use of pre-trained state representations hasseveral benefits for solving RL tasks.


Juan M. Montoya, Imant Daunhawer, Julia E. Vogt, Marco Wiering







Learning from different data types is a long-standing goal in machine learning research, as multiple information sources co-occur when describing natural phenomena. However, existing generative models that approximate a multimodal ELBO rely on difficult or inefficient training schemes to learn a joint distribution and the dependencies between modalities. In this work, we propose a novel, efficient objective function that utilizes the Jensen-Shannon divergence for multiple distributions. It simultaneously approximates the unimodal and joint multimodal posteriors directly via a dynamic prior. In addition, we theoretically prove that the new multimodal JS-divergence (mmJSD) objective optimizes an ELBO. In extensive experiments, we demonstrate the advantage of the proposed mmJSD model compared to previous work in unsupervised, generative learning tasks.


Thomas M. Sutter, Imant Daunhawer, Julia E. Vogt


NeurIPS 2020





PET/CT imaging is the gold standard for the diagnosis and staging of lung cancer. However, especially in healthcare systems with limited resources, costly PET/CT images are often not readily available. Conventional machine learning models either process CT or PET/CT images but not both. Models designed for PET/CT images are hence restricted by the number of PET images, such that they are unable to additionally leverage CT-only data. In this work, we apply the concept of visual soft attention to efficiently learn a model for lung cancer segmentation from only a small fraction of PET/CT scans and a larger pool of CT-only scans. We show that our model is capable of jointly processing PET/CT as well as CT-only images, which performs on par with the respective baselines whether or not PET images are available at test time. We then demonstrate that the model learns efficiently from only a few PET/CT scans in a setting where mostly CT-only data is available, unlike conventional models.


Varaha Karthik Pattisapu, Imant Daunhawer, Thomas Weikert, Alexander Sauter, Bram Stieltjes, Julia E. Vogt


GCPR 2020





Multimodal generative models learn a joint distribution over multiple modalities and thus have the potential to learn richer representations than unimodal models. However, current approaches are either inefficient in dealing with more than two modalities or fail to capture both modality-specific and shared variations. We introduce a new multimodal generative model that integrates both modality-specific and shared factors and aggregates shared information across any subset of modalities efficiently. Our method partitions the latent space into disjoint subspaces for modality-specific and shared factors and learns to disentangle these in a purely self-supervised manner. In extensive experiments, we show improvements in representation learning and generative performance compared to previous methods and showcase the disentanglement capabilities.


Imant Daunhawer, Thomas M. Sutter, Ricards Marcinkevics, Julia E. Vogt


GCPR 2020





Clinical pharmacology is a multi-disciplinary data sciences field that utilizes mathematical and statistical methods to generate maximal knowledge from data. Pharmacometrics (PMX) is a well-recognized tool to characterize disease progression, pharmacokinetics and risk factors. Since the amount of data produced keeps growing with increasing pace, the computational effort necessary for PMX models is also increasing. Additionally, computationally efficient methods such as machine learning (ML) are becoming increasingly important in medicine. However, ML is currently not an integrated part of PMX, for various reasons. The goals of this article are to (i) provide an introduction to ML classification methods, (ii) provide examples for a ML classification analysis to identify covariates based on specific research questions, (iii) examine a clinically relevant example to investigate possible relationships of ML and PMX, and (iv) present a summary of ML and PMX tasks to develop clinical decision support tools.


Gilbert Koch, Marc Pfister, Imant Daunhawer, Melanie Wilbaux, Sven Wellmann, Julia E. Vogt


Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2020





Learning from different data types is a long standing goal in machine learning research, as multiple information sources co-occur when describing natural phenomena. Existing generative models that try to approximate a multimodal ELBO rely on difficult training schemes to handle the intermodality dependencies, as well as the approximation of the joint representation in case of missing data. In this work, we propose an ELBO for multimodal data which learns the unimodal and joint multimodal posterior approximation functions directly via a dynamic prior. We show that this ELBO is directly derived from a variational inference setting for multiple data types, resulting in a divergence term which is the Jensen-Shannon divergence for multiple distributions. We compare the proposed multimodal JS-divergence (mmJSD) model to state-of-the-art methods and show promising results using our model in unsupervised, generative learning using a multimodal VAE on two different datasets.


Thomas Sutter, Imant Daunhawer, Julia E. Vogt


Visually Grounded Interaction and Language Workshop, NeurIPS 2019




Multimodal generative models learn a joint distribution of data from different modalities---a task which arguably benefits from the disentanglement of modality-specific and modality-invariant information. We propose a factorized latent variable model that learns named disentanglement on multimodal data without additional supervision. We demonstrate the disentanglement capabilities on simulated data, and show that disentangled representations can improve the conditional generation of missing modalities without sacrificing unconditional generation.


Imant Daunhawer, Thomas Sutter, Julia E. Vogt


Bayesian Deep Learning Workshop, NeurIPS 2019




Background Machine learning models may enhance the early detection of clinically relevant hyperbilirubinemia based on patient information available in every hospital. Methods We conducted a longitudinal study on preterm and term born neonates with serial measurements of total serum bilirubin in the first two weeks of life. An ensemble, that combines a logistic regression with a random forest classifier, was trained to discriminate between the two classes phototherapy treatment vs. no treatment. Results Of 362 neonates included in this study, 98 had a phototherapy treatment, which our model was able to predict up to 48 h in advance with an area under the ROC-curve of 95.20%. From a set of 44 variables, including potential laboratory and clinical confounders, a subset of just four (bilirubin, weight, gestational age, hours since birth) suffices for a strong predictive performance. The resulting early phototherapy prediction tool (EPPT) is provided as an open web application. Conclusion Early detection of clinically relevant hyperbilirubinemia can be enhanced by the application of machine learning. Existing guidelines can be further improved to optimize timing of bilirubin measurements to avoid toxic hyperbilirubinemia in high-risk patients while minimizing unneeded measurements in neonates who are at low risk.


Imant Daunhawer, Severin Kasser, Gilbert Koch, Lea Sieber, Hatice Cakal, Janina Tütsch, Marc Pfister, Sven Wellman, Julia E. Vogt


Pediatric Research, 2019

