
MDS at ICLR 2024

Several members of the MDS group attended ICLR 2024. Congratulations to everyone who presented work at the main conference and workshops!

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Artificial intelligence detects heart defects in newborns

Our recent paper "The Deep Learning Based Prediction of Pulmonary Hypertension in Newborns Using Echocardiograms", published together with KUNO Klinik…

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Thomas and Imant defend PhD thesis in 2023

Congratulations to Thomas Sutter and Imant Daunhawer, who both successfully defended their PhD Theses in 2023.

Thomas' thesis is titled "Imposing and…

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NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on Deep Generative Models for Health

The MDS group is organizing a workshop on Deep Generative Models for Health at NeurIPS 2023

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Several members of the MDS group attended ICML 2023. Congratulations to everyone who presented work, including one main conference paper, and many…

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ICLR 2023 Workshop on Time Series Representation Learning for Health

MDS organizing Workshop on Time Series Representation Learning for Health at ICLR 2023

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Wie KI helfen kann, angeborene Herzfehler zu erkennen

Julia Vogt writes on about how artificial intelligence can help to recognize heart problems in newborns using Echocardiogram videos.

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Pediatric personalized research network Switzerland (SwissPedHealth) – a Joint Pediatric National Data Stream (NDS) accepted for funding

In 2021, SPHN and PHRT jointly launched the call for “National Data Streams” (NDS). After a two-step evaluation procedure, 4 NDS projects have been…

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ETH News: Portrait Article of Dr. Alexander Marx

In this portrait article, Alexander Marx talks about his research at the intersection of Medical Data Science and Causality.

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We have an open PostDoc Position!

We are looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher with a strong machine learning background. Applicants should be interested in working in…

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