
Andrea Agostini

Software Engineer

Department of Computer Science
CAB G 33.1
Universitätstr. 6
CH – 8092 Zurich, Switzerland
CAB G 33.1

I completed my Bachelor's and Master's degrees in computer science and engineering at Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI). My Master's Thesis project under the supervision of Prof. Francesco Trovò addressed the Multi-Armed Bandit problem in the Temporally-Partitioned Reward setting.

In December 2022, I joined the Medical Data Science group led by Prof. Dr. Julia Vogt as a Software Engineer. Previously, I worked as a consultant at Be Shaping The Future, collaborating with the Payments and Analytics unit.

I'm particularly excited about exploring machine learning techniques that help solve relevant medical problems. I'm also curious about technology transfer pipelines in the healthcare domain.